Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

Home Remedies for Bed Bugs

 What do you do?

You take care of your house. You vacuum the rugs, clean the windows, and keep the bathrooms spotless. Guests visit, and they feel like a cleaning service makes daily trips to your house. Now imagine one morning you wake up to find that you have tiny bite marks on your body.

Upon further inspection, you realize that there are small bugs in your bed. That’s right. Bed bugs. Your first instinct might be to think that your house isn’t clean enough, but that may not be the case.

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Table of Contents

How Do People Get Bed Bugs?

Like most bugs, bed bugs come from outside the house. If you live in an apartment or any other shared living situation and have a bed bug infestation, it could be that they came from an adjoining apartment through cracks in the floors and walls.

Pesticide foggers like bug bombs don’t get rid of bed bugs, but instead, displace them – they go searching for a new home. For that reason, you want to avoid using bug bombs to deal with the infestation.

If it makes you feel any better, if you live in a shared housing situation, it’s possible that your infestation is the result of one of your neighbors bug-bombing an infestation.

Can you see bed bugs? Yes. They're tiny, flat brown bugs. The flat part of their bodies fill with blood and turn red after they've fed.

Introducing used furniture to your house is another way bed bugs find their way inside. Be wary of used furniture, especially upholstery. Check and treat any pieces of furniture carefully before bringing them into the house. Check used clothing and books as well.

Even if it’s brand new, pay close attention to any furniture that has been stored or transported in the back of a truck.


Finally, if you stay somewhere with bed bugs, they can also hitch a ride on you, your family, or your guests, either via your clothing or in your luggage.

How to Detect Bed Bugs

Find an infestation? Here are a few ways of how to get rid of bed bugs.

Bites on your skin are the first sign of a bed bug infestation. If you have unexplained bug bites, especially first thing in the morning, you might want to start checking around for other signs of an infestation.

Check your mattress for the visual signs of bed bugs. If you have them, you may see red or rust-colored stains, indicating crushed bed bugs.


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